Less Favored - More Favored (2005)


Grethe Jacobsen, Helle Vogt, Inger Dübeck, Heide Wunder (ed.): Less Favored - More Favored. Proceedings from a Conference on Gender in European Legal History, 12th-19th Centuries, Copenhagen 2004

This publication was published on the Internet on 14. October 2005 at the website of The Royal Library (Denmark): http://www5.kb.dk/da/nb/publikationer/fundogforskning-online/less_more/

Less Favored - More Favored /
Benachteiligt - begünstigt

Proceedings from a Conference on Gender in European Legal History,  12th-19th Centuries, September 2004.
Tagungsbericht einer Konferenz über Geschlecht in der Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, 12.-19. Jahrhundert, September 2004.
Edited by/herausgegeben von Grethe Jacobsen, Helle Vogt, Inger Dübeck, Heide Wunder.
Copenhagen, The Royal Library, 2005 (online edition)


1. Preface (pdf)

2. Merry Wiesner-Hanks: European Gender Structures in a Global Perspective (pdf)

Negotiating Marriage: Before, During, After

3. Hanne Marie Johansen: Negotiating Marriage: Before, During, After (pdf)

4A. Gertrude Langer-Ostrawsky & Margareth Lanzinger: More Favored - Less Favored? Women and Men in Different Marital Property Right Systems: A Comparative Study of Marital Property Rights in the Habsburg Empire During the 18th Century (pdf)
   4B. Gertrude Langer-Ostrawsky & Margareth Lanzinger: Begünstigt - benachteiligt? Frauen und Männer im Ehegüterrecht. Ein Vergleich auf der Grundlage von Heiratskontrakten aus zwei Herrschaften der Habsburgermonarchie im 18. Jahrhundert (pdf)

5. Nicole Grochowina: Less Favored - More Favored: Women's Approaches to Property After Remarriage During the Second Half of the 18th Century (pdf)

6. Birgit Stalder: "Der Ehehimmel begann schon früh sich zu trüben": Interdenominational Comparison of Divorce Proceedings (pdf)

'Senatus Consultum Velleianum' and Similar 'Protective' Measures

7. Hendrikje Carius: Strategien vor Gericht? Die "velleianschen Freyheiten" im sächsischen Recht (1648-1806) (pdf)

8. Ellinor Forster: The Construction of "Male Capability" and "Female Inability" to Assume Guardianship of Children in the Austrian "Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch" (ABGB) in the 19th Century (pdf)

9. Aglaia E. Kasdagli: Dowry and Inheritage, Gender and Empowerment in the 'Notarial Societies' of the Early Modern Greek World (pdf)

Incest Prohibitions

10. Michael H. Gelting: The Canonical Incest Prohibitions: Purity and Peace (pdf)

11A. Sylvia Schraut: "Doch das bei weitem schwierigste Ehehindernis ist das der Verwandtschaft": Forbidden Marriage Between Incest Taboo and the Fortune of the Noble Family in 17th-18th-Century Germany (pdf)
   11B. Sylvia Schraut: "Doch das bei weitem schwierigste Ehehindernis ist das der Verwandtschaft": Verbotene Ehe zwischen Inzest Tabu und dem Gedeihen der Adelsfamilie (Deutsches Reich 17./18. Jh.) (pdf)

Guardianship of Children: Female Guardians and Male Guardians other than Fathers

12. Ann Ighe: Replacing the Father - Representing the Child. A Few Notes on the European History of Guardianship (pdf)

13. Jurgita Kunsmanaite: The legal Status of Female Guardians in 1530s Lithuania (pdf)

14. Mia Korpiola: Marrying off Sons and Daughters: Attitudes Towards the Consent of Parents and Guardians in Early Modern Sweden (pdf)

15. Anna Bellavitis: "Et vedoando sia donna et madonna": Guardianship and Remarriage in Sixteenth-Century Venice (pdf)


16A. Grethe Jacobsen: Less Favored - More Favored: Queenship and the Special Case of Margrete of Denmark, 1353-1412 (pdf)
   16B. Grethe Jacobsen: Benachteiligt - begunstigt: Königintum und Margarete von Dänemark, 1353-1412 (pdf)

17. Astrid von Schlachta: To Rule and to Prepare: Claudia de' Medici and Her European "Fellow Widows" (pdf)

18. Pernille Arenfeldt: The Female Consort as Intercessor in Sixteenth-Century Saxony (pdf)

19A. Eva-Maria Butz: Empress Agnes of Poitou (1043-1077): Reflections on the Legal Basis of Her Regency (pdf)
   19B. Eva-Maria Butz: Kaiserin Agnes von Poitou (1043-1077): Überlegungen zu den rechtlichen Grundlagen ihrer Regentschaft (pdf)

Gendered Personhood

20. Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir: Changing Gender Relation in Medieval and Early Modern Iceland: The Role of Canon Law According to Court Case Narratives (pdf)

21. Anu Pylkkänen: Construction of Gendered Legal Personhood in the History of Finnish Law (pdf)


This publication was published on the Internet on 14. October 2005 containing the Preface and articles 1-9, 11-16B, 18-21.
Article 17 by Astrid von Schlachta was added on 26. February 2008.
Article 10 (by Michael Gelting) was added later.

© Copyright: The authors and The Royal Library, 2005-2008. Articles may be downloaded and distributed free of charge but not sold or otherwise distributed commercially without the permission of the authors and The Royal Library.

Illustration from a 14th-century Norwegian manuscript containing the general law, promulgated in 1274 by king Magnus VI. Håkonsson lagabætir (= Law Mender, 1238–1280). © The Royal Library, Gl. Kgl. Saml. 1154 2o, fol. 24r.